Retreats and Quiet Days

Coming away from your usual places of routine – your home, your work – can really help you wind down, relax and spend some quality time with God. Since 1866 we’ve been offering men and women of all backgrounds space to come away from distraction, space to be nourished spiritually (and physically with excellent food), space to simply ‘be’.

Quiet Days are probably one of the most popular choices – simply block out a day in your diary, then telephone, e-mail, tweet or Facebook us to confirm that day is available and come along. Bring your own lunch or eat with us. Worship with us or in your own way by the sea or by resting in God in the comfort, warmth and silence of our sitting room. Why not bring a group from your church? Think about when you would like to come, check the availability of that day using our online calendar (top-right of this page) and get in touch with us.

Retreats are like extended Quiet Days lasting anything from a couple of days to over a week. Again, think about when you would like to come and get in touch with us. At this time we’re unable to offer individually guided retreats although a Sister is usually available to offer spiritual guidance. Enjoy the gift of free time and space, the choice to do or not to do. We’re a 20 minute walk away from the sea and from both Anglican and Roman Catholic Cathedrals. Stroll across the Common, breathe in the sea air and dance to the ‘music’ of the sea gulls!

Suggested donations for accommodation
We make no formal charge to our guests.  The Convent is our home and we extend a warm welcome to all.  We do not want to exclude anyone from staying on the grounds of cost.  If you have any difficulties then please discuss them with our Reverend Mother.  We are very grateful to those who give more than what is suggested.

There are no self-catering arrangements –
24 hours, full board: £35.00
Bed and breakfast: £15.00
Bed, breakfast and evening meal: £20.00
By day, with cooked midday meal: £15.00
By day, with own packed lunch: £5.00
Evening meal: £5.00
Conducted Quiet Day: £7.50
Group with own packed lunch: £7.50 each
Group with Afternoon Tea: £5.00
By day, with buffet lunch: £20.00

Anything over £23 (per day) can be subject to Gift Aid.  For us to claim this you must be a UK taxpayer and pay sufficient income tax or capital gains tax.