House of Bethany, Norfolk
We now have a new house in Norfolk. Three Sisters are resident in Moulton St Mary, a small village within the Broadland District. It is the first time we have established a community in East Anglia. The Sisters moved in on 1st November 2023 and are currently waiting on God to discern how they play their part in His mission there. As of November 2024 the house is not yet open to guests. Please pray for us as we seek to follow God’s will in this beautiful part of the country – thank you. Please contact us if you would like us to pray for you or another (including animals) –
House of Bethany
Grove Barns
Porters Road
Moulton St Mary
NR13 3NR
tel. 01493 701993 (please call 9.30-11.30am or 2.00-3.45pm, or leave a message and we shall respond as soon as possible, or email us)
email: moc.liamgnull@klofron.ynahtebfosretsis